The Vermont Commercial
Vehicle Enforcement Report
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s 2024 Roadcheck took place May 14-16. Over three days, commercial motor vehicle enforcement personnel in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 48,761 inspections. Seventy-seven percent of commercial motor vehicles and 95.2% of commercial motor vehicle drivers did not have any out-of-service (OOS) violations.
Conversely, inspectors discovered 13,567 vehicle, 2,714 driver and 163 hazardous materials/dangerous goods (HM/DG) out-of-service violations, and placed 9,345 commercial motor vehicle combinations and 2,290 drivers out of service. The total overall vehicle out-of-service rate was 23%, and the driver out-of-service rate was 4.8%.
The top vehicle out-of-service violation recorded was for defective service brakes (25%), followed by tires (20.8%), other brake violations (18.3%), lights (11.6%), and cargo securement (9.6%). The top driver OOS violations were hours of service (32.1%), no license/CDL (25.4%), no medical card (11.2%), false logs (10.9%), and suspended license/CDL (5.1%). In addition, a total of 535 safety belt violations were issued during this year’s Roadcheck. According to FMCSA, 14% of commercial motor vehicle drivers do not wear their safety belt.