What You Need to Know About the Proposal to Update Rules and Procedures at the Vermont DMV
Vermont lawmakers are considering various updates and modifications to Vermont’s motor vehicle laws. The key changes include:
Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs)
Clarifies that PEVs, including battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, fall under the definition of "pleasure car" for registration purposes.
Enhanced Credentials (licenses/Identification Cards)
Clarifies that only “new” applicants are required to submit all supporting identification documentation.
Documentation of Anatomical Gift on Nondriver Identification Cards
All licenses and identification cards are currently able to document applicants’ intent to be organ donors. The nondriver ID statutes are being updated to reflect the DMV’s current practice.
Disability Placards
“Volunteer Driver” disabled placards were discontinued years ago. This modification removes reference to them.
Replacement Registration Certificates
Introduces an option for individuals to generate a replacement registration certificate electronically at no cost.
Fees & Exemptions
Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Fees: Exemptions for state and municipal vehicles, as well as certain volunteer firefighting and rescue vehicles.
Veterans Registration Exemptions: Eliminates payment of the Clean Air Fee for certain veterans who acquired vehicles with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs assistance.
Reduced License Fees: Offers lower driver’s license fees for individuals receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
Learner’s Permits & Licensing
— Introduces an option for motorcycle learner permit holders to generate a replacement registration certificate electronically at no cost.
— Requires motorcycle learner permits to have the applicants photograph
— Clarifies that regular learner permits will contain a photograph, but only when applied for in person.
— Allows for a properly licensed Junior Operator from another state to transfer their Junior Operator license to Vt without taking additional exams.
— Removes the requirement for a skills test deposit for regular road tests (Requirement remains for CDL Skills tests)
Commercial Learner’s Permits & Instructors
— Requires that commercial learner’s permits include a photograph.
— Reduces a motorcycle instructor experience requirements from four years to two and adds a requirement for two years of driving experience for a CDL instructor.
Motor Vehicle Taxes
—Modifies statute to list J.D. Power Values in place of NADA as J.D. Power bought NADA’s Official Used Car Guide.
—Clarifies how the taxable cost of a vehicle is determined when the “Clean Trade-in” value is not listed in J.D. Power Values.
Registration Fees: authorizes the Commissioner of DMV to accept “other proof of cancelation” in situations where the vehicle has been destroyed by fire, etc.
Purchase and Use Tax Refunds: establishes a one-year period to request a refund.
Fuel Taxes: Shortens the refund request window from 33 months to 12 months.
Non-Real ID Operator’s Privilege Cards
Changes the labeling of non-Real ID driver’s privilege cards to explicitly state "Non-Real ID" instead of "privilege card."
Odometer Fraud & Convictions
Strengthens prohibitions against odometer tampering and misrepresentation. Clarifies the definition of "conviction" as it applies to motor vehicle laws.
Drunken Driving
Updates language for civil suspension proceedings related to DUI offenses. Removes language that a Civil Intent to Suspend acts as a temporary license.
Bulk Electronic Records Fees
Establishes a fee of $0.303 per record for bulk electronic records requests from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Truck Registration Fees
This is a technical change only. This change will NOT result in a fee increase.
Effective Date
The law is set to take effect on July 1, 2025.